Food Reviews

Making Shredded Beef Tacos with Shoulder Roast

Posted: While Drinking Coffee!   |   Food Reviews
Reviewed By: WeGotCoffee
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Three hours or so at 350 in the oven will make awesome shredded beef. This meat will shred with a butter knife.

A chuck roast is also good for shredded beef tacos. The Shoulder Roast seems to have less fat than the chuck roast.

We rate this a 4 because it is really good for shredded tacos, but the Chuck Roast is the ideal cut as it has more fat, which means, more flavor. The shoulder roast is a great second option when price is an issue.

There are important steps to take when cooking this cut of beef for tacos.
If you need the instructions, just let is know!

Questions and Answers - Making Shredded Beef Tacos with Shoulder Roast

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About Mr. WeGotCoffee
We Got Coffee is where I share all of my coffee obsessions, meal prep guides and recipes for things that pair well with coffee. I also throw in lots of humor and caffeinated wisdom. Read More...

