Food Reviews

Trader Joe's Gluten Free Mango Oatmeal

Posted: While Drinking Coffee!   |   Food Reviews
Reviewed By: WeGotCoffee
Rating: 2 Star Rating

A good new flavor, finally! Mango oatmeal! The Trader Joe’s version is Gluten Free, and contains Flax, Chia, Quinoa and Amaranth.

There isn’t  a strong mango flavor in this oatmeal, but it still has a better taste than a plain oatmeal. These come in small packets, much like traditional instant oatmeal.  The sugar content is 9g per packet. Nothing too extreme in the sugar category.

The texture was smooth and creamy, with less texture than the oatmeal you can get from Quaker Oats.

Trader Joes Mango Oatmeal
160 calories from one packet.

Super LOW on the vitamins you would expect from an oatmeal that contains mango. If this had more vitamin content we would recommend this. The fiber content was good, although you could get this from a plain oatmeal as well.

Mango Oatmeal Gluten Free

Where did the vitamin A and C go? It must have vanished when the mango was dried.

You could always add mango slices, like you see in the photo on the box.

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About Mr. WeGotCoffee
We Got Coffee is where I share all of my coffee obsessions, meal prep guides and recipes for things that pair well with coffee. I also throw in lots of humor and caffeinated wisdom. Read More...

