A chance to visit a new coffee shop, with an EX, will happen this week. This could bring a whole new meaning to the term ‘wet cappuccino’. Your life will forever be altered, so bring a camera to document the event. Also, be ready for the chance of a lifetime – stay positive and it will happen this week. Resist the half-decaf home brew on Tuesday. This is the week you light your coffee candle your Aunt bought you for Christmas – get some use out of it – it’s not just for decoration!! You will learn a new coffee term this week. Make sure you Twitter your new coffee lingo – it will be important.
Libra, a natural AIR sign. A cappuccino with lots of airy foam is the go-to of choice for the Libra. They strive to always be in a state of harmony and dedicated balance. The ideal coffee blend is somewhere between a dark French roast and a light breakfast blend. No fancy drinks for the Libra! Keep it simple, even, and centered.
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About Mr. WeGotCoffee
We Got Coffee is where I share all of my coffee obsessions, meal prep guides and recipes for things that pair well with coffee. I also throw in lots of humor and caffeinated wisdom. Read More...