01-King Kooba-Find a Way.wav
02-Hazed Project-Numb.wav
03-Mandalay-Not Seventeen.wav – skipping this song.
04-Quarter-Bongo Tune.wav
05-Careless-Early Dawn.wav
08-Forces of Nature-Ilussions.wav
10-London Electricity-Do You Believe.wav – Not the greatest song.
11-Moonchild-Garden of Eden.wav
12-Los Cavelitos-Havanna.wav
Downtempo | Chillout | Trip-Hop
12 tracks
Volume 2, quite good if you can find it. Made in England tootnherb.co.uk
A good listen even though it has two tracks on the Skip List.
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We Got Coffee is where I share all of my coffee obsessions, meal prep guides and recipes for things that pair well with coffee. I also throw in lots of humor and caffeinated wisdom. Read More...