Monday is the dreaded first day of the workweek, a day that can be both stressful, the official end of the glorious weekend. Since the idea of starting another long long week can be a little unnerving but not as bad when you have your favorite morning drink in hand, and that drink is coffee.
Coffee and work seem to go together, and Monday is the king of the days that require coffee, and humor. If you rely on a morning cup of coffee to help you start the Monday, you’ll surely appreciate a little extra humor with your Monday coffee ritual.
There are many pedestrian quotes about Monday that reflect the general feeling you get which could be applied to any other day of the week. Here are a few less boring coffee quotes with a little extra twist:
“Monday is a fresh end to the weekend. It’s never too late to dig out the trusty time machine and set the dial to Saturday.” – Unknown guy by the work coffee maker.
“I hate Mondays because I would rather be sleeping, but add in a coffee and Monday is not so bad.” – Nobody actually said this.
“Saying that Monday is a state of mind is meaningless unless you have a big and fresh coffee.” – Somebody’s Mom
“Monday is tough. Deal with it the best way you know how – with a coffee and a 45 min break before answering any emails.” – Not your Boss
“Coffee is the only part of Monday I enjoy.” – Everyone who drinks coffee and has a M-F job.
Monday, requires one of the following: black coffee, a cappuccino, or a more elaborate $9.99 frappy Starbucks drink. The morning caffeine can prevent you from walking off the job, which is essential since you need that paycheck coming in to afford all of the darn coffee you drink so you can deal with work traffic and a long daily commute.
Running Out…
Monday Go Away
Drink it ALL
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About Mr. WeGotCoffee
We Got Coffee is where I share all of my coffee obsessions, meal prep guides and recipes for things that pair well with coffee. I also throw in lots of humor and caffeinated wisdom. Read More...